
How To Find The
Perfect Work/Life Balance
Sophie Zollmann
June 28, 2019

Do you feel like you’re missing out on precious family time because you’re so focused on growing and expanding your business? Business owners know that taking their brand to the next level takes sacrifice, but irreplaceable moments with your family shouldn’t be one of them. Taking care of yourself and your family is obviously important to you, but it can be all too easy to let that take a backseat when you’re focused on your business. Here are 3 things you can do to create the balance between a happy family and a thriving business!

Use Off-Peak Hours

Expanding your brand takes a lot of effort and creativity, and that translates into more work than you can complete in regular working hours. That doesn’t mean it has to interfere with family time. If you’re an early riser, start your day a couple of hours before everyone else is out of bed. That early start will free up your evenings for family time.

If you’re a night owl, you can put in a few hours after everyone else has turned in. Using those odd hours protects family dinners, bedtime stories, and quality time with the ones you love.

Take Care Of Yourself

Balancing your time between work and family often means that self-care falls through the cracks. It’s crucial that you take time to take care of your own mental and physical health. Give yourself a brain break and devote some time to an activity or hobby that you love. Make exercise and healthy eating a priority.

You have a lot of people counting on you and you can’t pour from an empty cup. Make yourself a priority.


Lots of people can answer emails, attend meetings and work on projects. Nobody can take your place at T-Ball games, dance recitals, or do the voices just right in the bedtime story. Delegating business responsibilities allows you to be fully present for the moments that truly matter.

Consider hiring an online business manager to lighten your load. Having a team in place to oversee your calendar, take on time-consuming tasks, and keep projects running smoothly will make it possible for you to focus on your family and never miss a moment.

The team at SophieZo is waiting to take some responsibilities off your plate so you can enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build

If you’re ready to free up time for yourself and your family, book a call today.


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