
5 Creative Ways To
Make Vacation Time
Sophie Zollmann
July 19, 2019

It’s the middle of summer and your social media feeds are probably packed with pictures of your friends enjoying awesome vacations. Sure, you’d love to be on a sandy beach somewhere, but business is booming, and you just can’t take a week off right now. Does that mean your summer vacation dreams are completely shot? No way! Even the busiest business owner can carve out a little bit of vacation time here and there – you just need to get a little creative with your calendar.

  1. Set Summer Hours

The bright side of everyone else being on vacation is that some weeks will definitely have some downtime. Sit down with your calendar and identify days that aren’t jam-packed with meetings or deadlines. Those are the days that you can take off, or at the very least, knock off early. If you can take off a Friday every few weeks, you’ve got long weekends that are full of possibilities!

  2. Love Long Weekends

So, you’ve freed up your Friday – what are you going to do with it? It’s true that a long weekend limits your getaway options. You don’t want to spend half your precious free time on a plane or stuck in a car! But you can find plenty of fun things to do within an hour or two of home. Check out attractions in the nearest big city. Be tourists in your own town! There are probably amazing things right under your nose that you’ve never taken the time to visit. Check out local tourism websites and start planning that mini-vacay!

  3. Midweek Madness

Fridays might not be the best day for you to sneak out of the office, so look for a mid-week slow spot. The kids are out of school, so why not embark on a Tuesday getaway? Another advantage of a weekday vacation is that lots of attractions are far less crowded than they are on weekends. Plus, hotel rates are often cheaper during the week. Having fun and saving money? Summer score!!

  4. Make the Most of Your Weekends

No way you can possibly take even a single day off during the week? That’s okay, as long as you dedicate your weekends to summer fun. Don’t waste your downtime on errands and chores. Choose one day to be all about fun. Have a Saturday Staycation or a Sunday Funday! You don’t have to go anywhere to make amazing summer memories with your family. Have a movie fest with lots of popcorn and snacks and let everybody choose their favorite flick. (Blanket fort optional, but recommended) Pitch a tent in the backyard, tell ghost stories around the campfire and make s’mores! (or skip the tent and just have the campfire and s’mores!) Your family will remember these magical summer moments and you don’t even have to leave the house.

  5. Go Solo

As much fun as it is to have summer adventures with the family, we all know that a little alone time can be even better! No matter how busy you are, you have to take some time just for yourself, so pick a day and block off a few hours. Whether you choose a spa day, hit the links, go treasure hunting in your favorite antique store, or just relax on the porch with a glass of wine and a good book, the break will do you good. You work so hard, and you deserve a few guilt-free hours doing whatever makes you happy.

Of course, all these getaways require a dependable team to hold down the fort. If you don’t have a reliable OBM and a plug and play team to keep business running smoothly while you have fun in the sun, you need to book a call today!


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