
Building Your
Online Business Team
Sophie Zollmann
August 23, 2019

You’re ready to build your online team and take your business to the next level – but where do you start? First, you must determine exactly what kind of support you need. There is a wide variety of skilled online business professionals, but before you can choose your team, you need to know who they are and what they do.

  • Online Business Manager (OBM): An OBM is an online business owner’s right-hand man (or woman!) Your OBM handles your day-to-day operations so you can spend your valuable time focusing on the future of your company. OBMs can manage just about anything, including your team and your projects.
  • Project Manager: OBMs can also function as project managers, but many businesses need a dedicated project manager to oversee new product or service launches. Project managers keep your team on track and on budget. They ensure that your projects run smoothly so you can meet deadlines and exceed expectations without worrying or micromanaging.
  • Virtual Assistant (VA): If you find your day cluttered with time-consuming tasks, you need a VA on your team. VAs can take care of your calendar, your scheduling, and your emails. They can even compile reports or maintain your social media. You may not have time for it, but your VA does!
  • Copywriter: Blogs, social media content, email campaigns, and webpage content require a skilled writer. If writing’s not your thing, or if you simply don’t have the time, adding a copywriter to your team is a smart choice.
  • SEO Expert: Web traffic is vital to the success of any online business. An expert in search engine optimization (SEO) can improve your web traffic by increasing your website’s visibility to search engine users.
  • Branding Specialist: Your brand defines your company. It is a promise to your clients about what they can expect from your product or service. A branding specialist helps you define your brand and shape your customer’s perception of your company, as well as increase brand awareness and visibility.
  • Web Designer: Technology moves quickly, and you don’t want your website to get left behind! Having a web designer on your team means that your website will always be fresh and attention-getting.

If you’re ready to start building your winning online team, book a call today. SophieZo has a full plug and play team ready to take on any challenge for your business!


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