
How To Take A Work
and Worry-Free Vacation
Sophie Zollmann
May 24, 2019


Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer, is right around the corner, and everyone’s got vacation on the brain! When is the last time you took a vacation? A real vacation where you don’t spend 90% of it on the phone or worrying about work? It’s tough for business owners to get away from it all and relax, but it can be done! Use these 4 tips to break away from your desk and get into worry-free vacation mode!

  1. Check Your Calendar

Sure, most people go on vacation in the summer, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Summer might be a busy season for your business, and it’s impossible to relax if you’re worried about important projects or deadlines. Check your calendar, determine your slowest time of year, and plan your vacation accordingly.

Vacations are awesome any time of year, and you’ll have more fun if you schedule it in a season that works for you. Taking a trip during the off-season can even save you money and cut down on crowds. And just imagine how jealous your snow-shoveling neighbors will be when you come back with a gorgeous tan in the middle of February!

  2. Plan Ahead

It might not be a super busy time for your business, but work never stops completely. Before you leave, outline all project or assignment deadlines. Leave clear instructions and expectations for your team. They don’t want to disturb your trip by bombarding you with questions and emails. Keep everyone on task with clear instructions and assignments.

  3. Choose Your Stand-In

Even though you’re leaving clear, detailed instructions, you still need to designate someone as team leader while you’re gone. Choose a trusted, experienced team member to keep things running smoothly. If you don’t already have one, this is a great time to hire an OBM to oversee everything while you’re relaxing in paradise! Choose someone who is reliable and a good leader, and you won’t have to worry about anything but sunscreen!

4. Set Your Check-Ins

Your vacation should be completely work-free, but does that ever happen for a business owner? Probably not! Luckily, you can minimize the work intrusions before you leave by setting up days and times to check in with your team leader.

Don’t check in every day – they can reach you in an emergency. Set your check-in times and go off the grid! Turn off your email notifications and enjoy yourself. You’ve left your team well prepared, and they’re going to get the job done. Your biggest worry should be what cocktail to try next! (We suggest something with a fancy little drink umbrella!)

Start planning your dream vacation today, then book a call to discuss how the team at SophieZo can keep your business running smoothly while you escape to paradise!


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