
I Can’t Delegate That!
Sophie Zollmann
October 4, 2019


You know you need to delegate. You know you can’t do it all by yourself – but that doesn’t mean that letting go is easy!

If you find yourself looking at the day-to-day of your business and thinking, “I can’t delegate that,” you’re not alone. Handing over major responsibilities to others is a challenge for many business owners. Take a minute to ask yourself why delegating is so hard. Are you afraid you’ll miss deadlines or important details? Are you worried that others can’t produce work that meets your high standards? These concerns are understandable, but it’s time to move past them. The “nobody can do it like I can” mindset is holding you back from making your business everything it could be.

The first step toward conquering your delegation fears is building a team you can count on. If you’re surrounded by reliable, hard-working people, you’ll have a much easier time trusting them to get the job done. Your business determines what kind of team you need, but there are some key players that every company should have.

  • Virtual Assistant (VA)

A good virtual assistant is worth their weight in gold. You can rely on them to handle so many of those time-consuming daily tasks. While you’re strategizing your next big move, your VA is knocking out all the demands and distractions that stand in your way. Emails, scheduling, billing, travel arrangements – whatever you need, your VA is up to the task.

  • Online Business Manager (OBM)

As your business grows, so does your team. Trying to keep everyone on track is a big job, and you don’t have time to do it. An experienced OBM has the skills to manage your team, oversee projects, meet deadlines, solve problems, and keep everything running smoothly. Once you have an OBM, you’ll wonder how you ever made it without one!

  • Social Media Manager (SMM)

Social media has proven to be a vital part of online business. It’s your connection to your customers and your path to expanding your audience and increasing your brand recognition. But social media only works if you put the time and effort into nurturing your online community. Your SMM takes on the role of liaison between you and your followers. While you’re expanding your brand, your SMM is building relationships with your customers and ensuring that you will have a lasting and loyal following that grows with your business.

  • Copywriter

Your blog, newsletter, and webpage copy are a huge part of your first impression, so they have to be flawless and instantly engaging. Many business owners don’t have the time to write or the talent and creativity to consistently turn out fresh, engaging copy. That’s why you need a copywriter on your team. Don’t struggle with writer’s block – your copywriter has got it covered!

  • Marketing Expert

It doesn’t matter how many great ideas you have if you don’t know how to sell them. With an experienced marketing expert on your team, you’ll never have to worry about launching your next great idea. Marketing experts know where to find your audience and how to give them what they want. They have strategies for every roll-out and they’re metrics masters. You keep coming up with great ideas for your business, and your marketing expert will take it from there!

Start building your essential team today! With a single phone call, you can assemble the team of your dreams, start delegating, and keep your business growing without limits.


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