
It’s Time to Take Care of Yourself
Sophie Zollmann
February 21, 2020

Building a business from scratch takes a huge amount of time and dedication. Business owners often find themselves giving up time with family, missing out on relaxing weekends and fun vacations. Self-care falls by the wayside as stress mounts. But it will all be worth it when that business is a success, right?

But now your business is a success, and it’s still demanding far too much of your time. When do you get to step back and enjoy it? Your business isn’t slowing down, so it’s up to you to make the decision to take back your time — and that means you need an OBM.

When you decide that it’s time to take a step back, somebody has to keep your business running smoothly. A reliable Online Business Manager keeps your business on track so that you can focus more of your attention on the things you love. With an OBM handling the day to day of your business, you can be there for your family, take time for self-care, maybe even take up a new hobby! Think of all the time you could free up if you had an OBM managing:

  • Daily Operations:

This can include billing, client relationships, work flow — any of the day-to-day demands that keep your business running.

  • Your Team:

An OBM can assign tasks, follow-up, track progress, answer questions, and facilitate communication. An OBM is a leader that keeps your team working together like a well-oiled machine.

  • Projects:

Projects are an important part of your business’s success, but they don’t have to take over your life! A good OBM can see projects through from launch to finish by monitoring progress, keeping your team on track, making sure deadlines are met and customers are satisfied.

  • Metrics:

You know metrics are the key to keeping your business ahead of the competition, but you don’t have to spend your valuable time tracking them. Your OBM will keep an eye on your stats to ensure that your business is giving your customers what they want.

You’ve spent years taking care of your business. Now it’s time to take care of yourself. SophieZo has the perfect plug and play team for your business. Don’t give up another minute of your precious time- book a call today.


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