
5 Tips for Summer Self-Care
Sophie Zollmann
June 5, 2020

Remember when you couldn’t wait for summer? Two months of glorious freedom awaited you as soon as school ended, and you didn’t have to do anything but have fun with your friends. Don’t you miss the good old days?

It’s hard to recapture than fun summer feeling as adults. Work doesn’t stop- especially if you’re a business owner. But summer doesn’t have to be a hot, joyless slog! Make this the season of self-care and bring back those summer vibes with these summer self-care tips.

1. Longer days shouldn’t mean longer work days

It’s happened to all of us- you’re hard at work, the sun is still shining outside your office window, and you glance at your watch only to realize it’s 7:30, and you’ve been working for nearly 12 hours straight! Don’t let that extra daylight keep you trapped at your desk. Set your quitting time (and an alarm if you need to!) and stick to it. Those extra hours are reserved for fun and relaxation, not work.

2. Set your own summer hours

Keeping your evenings free is great, but imagine if you could have a leisurely start to your day as well? Imagine sleeping later, enjoying an extra cup of coffee, and beginning your day in a relaxed frame of mind. Sure, you might not be able to do it every day, but there’s nothing stopping you from declaring summer hours on Fridays, right?

3. Unplug in your off hours

It’s not enough to free up your evenings and give yourself some relaxing mornings- you have to actually unplug during those hours! Turn off email notifications, step away from the computer- whatever it takes to fully take your mind off work. Stop manning the grill while scanning your email. Put down the phone and grab a beer instead!

4. Own your weekends

Even with the best self-care intentions, you’ll have some busy days where it’s impossible to unplug or avoid working late. If summer is a busy season for you, your weekends are extra important! Declare the weekend a no-work zone. It’s reserved for family, fun and relaxation. Take care of business during the week- the weekends are yours!

5. Take Time Off

You deserve at least a week of vacation. Even if you go no further than your backyard, take that time for yourself. Slow down, spend the days doing what you love, or doing nothing at all! You need an opportunity to recharge your mind and body.

The team at SophieZo can help you make this a summer to remember! Book a call today to learn how a customized plug and play team can help you take back your time and bring back summer fun!


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