
Creating an Online
Course in 5 Simple Steps
Sophie Zollmann
September 25, 2020

You are really, REALLY good at what you do. You’ve used your expert knowledge to build a thriving business- now what?

Have you ever thought about channeling some of that expertise into an online course?

It’s a great way to increase your exposure, establish your authority and bring in more income, and it’s not nearly as difficult as you might think!

In fact, there are only 5 steps to creating an outstanding online course:

1. Determine Your Topic

Is there one facet of your business that always elicits a lot of questions? Is there a problem that lots of your customers struggle with? These are strong contenders for online course topics!

Choose a subject that you are both knowledgeable and passionate about that can also be profitable.

2. Design Your Course

First, you must establish your learning goals and objectives. What do you want your customers to learn, and how will you measure that?

Next, it’s time to outline your course segments. Whether you divide it into chapters or weekly lessons, you must have a clear plan for each section of your course.

Finally, you must choose how you’re going to present your course. Will it be text only? Will there be pre-recorded videos? Will you have live seminars or Q&A sessions? There are so many formats, and you’ll need to research which one would work best for your target audience.

3. Develop Your Course

This is the part that can seem overwhelming. How do you write an entire course from scratch??

Don’t panic! You don’t have to start from zero. Use previous webinars, blogs, articles, and presentations to help draft new content.

You also don’t have to go it alone! You can consult with an instructional designer or bring on a copywriter to ensure that your course materials are concise and easy to understand.

4. Find the Right Platform and Equipment

There are many Learning Management Systems (LMS) that can host your online course. Your course needs and anticipated attendance will play a big role in determining what functions you need. Different platforms offer options that can help you create, track, and manage your course, distribute your materials, and even handle sales.

You’ll also need the right equipment. Yes, you can do most of it with a laptop, but you want to use a microphone for clear sound quality, and make sure that you have a solid, reliable internet connection if you are planning to livestream course segments.

5. Practice and Promote

If you’re incorporating video into your course, you need to be comfortable on camera. Start with a strong script and practice, practice, practice!! If you’re relying on prerecorded segments, you’ll be able to edit, but that won’t be an option with live video. Make sure your script is streamlined and organized. Avoid tangents and long pauses.

While you’re practicing, you’ll also need to be promoting! Decide how you’ll price your course, and how you’ll promote it. Will you email a link to your existing customers? Promote it on social media? Whatever method you choose, start advertising at least a week before your course begins.

Online courses are a fantastic way to share your expertise and connect on another level with your customers. The team at SophieZo can help you every step of the way – from course creation to marketing. Book a call today!


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