
Independence Day
Sophie Zollmann
July 9, 2021

We just celebrated one of my favorite holidays this past Sunday- Independence Day– and I hope you had a great time celebrating with family or friends.

I like the 4th because you can do it any way you choose. Have a ton of friends over for a bash or lay in an inflatable pool by yourself in the backyard with a cold beer- you can do whatever you want because that day is all about freedom!

And that spirit of freedom and independence is what inspired today’s post, so let’s talk about creating your own freedom and declaring your own independence.

After years, or maybe even decades of working for someone else, you made a huge, life-changing decision. You decided to step out of your comfort zone and the security of a steady paycheck and blaze your own trail.

And now, you’re here. You’ve made the leap, declared your independence and you’re doing your own thing.

What’s next?

We all know that the bold moment where you set out on your own is just the beginning of the story. The path from your jumping-off point to your ultimate goal isn’t always easy. You’re building your empire from the ground up, and that is HARD! You’ve done an amazing job so far, but now we’ve got to talk about the plan to get you to your dream life- the true freedom that you deserve.

What does that freedom look like to you? Is it more money, and the financial security to buy your dream home, dream car, or send your kids to their dream college? Is it more time to do what you love? Travel, pursue new interests, or just get more moments with the people that matter?

You know what you want, so let’s talk about how you can make it happen.

If you want more money, that means your business has to keep growing. If you’re still going solo, or you have a really small team, chances are, you’re up to your eyeballs in work as is. It’s going to be really hard for you to take on more clients or pursue bigger projects without more manpower. Or in this case, womanpower. I have some of the smartest, most talented ladies I know on my team, and we get in there and make things HAPPEN!

If your business has grown to the point that more money isn’t on your list, first of all- wow- that’s pretty amazing. But I’d bet the farm that you could use more time! My team and I specialize in lightening the load for overworked business owners. We take things off your plate so you can focus your attention on the parts of your business that you love and leave the rest to us. That frees up a ton of personal time so you can reclaim your life!

That’s freedom. The ability to do what you love and live the life that you love. It’s pretty simple, really, and I get to be a part of that every day. It’s an honor, and a gift, and I am so grateful to be following my true path.

I’m going to leave you with this thought: freedom- however that looks for you- is within reach. You can do whatever you want with your one precious life, and I’ll be here to help you do it. Let’s talk about your vision for your life. I’m a phone call or an email away, and I’m ready when you are! You can also learn more about the path to freedom on this week’s podcast. Check it out!


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