
The Secret to Less Stress
Sophie Zollmann
August 6, 2021

What’s the one thing almost all business owners have in common? STRESS! And lots of it!

It’s completely understandable – owning a business is a huge responsibility. Your family is depending on you, your team is depending on you, and your name is on the line. That’s not easy.

Owning a business will never be stress free – that’s just not possible – but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. When you take on too much and push yourself to the limit day after day, stress starts to take its toll mentally and physically.

So, let’s talk about some simple ways that you can take the stress out of your day-to-day so you can live better and love your job again!

  • Start with a daily schedule. Set aside blocks of time for each task on your to-do list, especially the reoccurring ones. Studies show that getting into a regular routine gives us a sense of peace and control.
  • When you’re making your plan for the day, go ahead and get the hard stuff out of the way first. You won’t have to worry about getting off-track due to problems that might arise during the day, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that the hardest part of your day is done.
  • If you want to lower the pressure on your entire team, you need to rely on systems and processes that make the workday easier for everyone.
  • Delegation is the number one thing you can do to stay on top of your business and avoid burnout. If you don’t have enough team support, GET SOME! A team that you can rely on isn’t just a smart business investment, it’s imperative to your quality of life.
  • Don’t try to take everything on yourself. And don’t be afraid to say no! If it’s too big to take on, say no! Or partner with a white labeling agency to take on the project without increasing your workload.
  • Take a minute to slow down, think it through, and identify the cause of your stress. When you know the source of your stress, it’s far easier to calm down and handle it.
  • Don’t focus on mistakes – think about all the things you’ve done right. Hell, keep a running list of accomplishments and personal victories if you need to! Pull it out on your bad days and remember what an awesome badass you are!
  • Managing your stress doesn’t end with the workday. It’s important to keep the calm going all day long, and that starts by not taking work home with you!
  • Don’t be afraid to fully unplug after work. Prioritize your personal time and guard it fiercely – that’s the stuff that truly matters. Work is important, but your time with the people you love is precious.

My entire business is dedicated to helping people run their business without stress and overwhelm, so if you’re struggling with stress, let’s talk! I can hook you up with an incredible team, help you tackle specific projects, or just give you some advice about how to clear some of your many responsibilities off your plate.

If you’d like to hear more of my favorite stress-busting tactics, check out this week’s episode of Building Your Empire with SophieZo!


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