
Jenn Gore-Cuthbert Wants You to Use Your Data
Sophie Zollmann
May 13, 2022

Jenn Gore-Cuthbert is the founding attorney and owner of the Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group, and she has one piece of expert advice for business owners:


Jenn is not only a practicing attorney, she’s also a coach who advises women attorneys, entrepreneurs and business owners on business, practice management, domestic management, and marketing – and she knows that making the leap to 7-figures requires a solid understanding of your numbers and what they mean.

The problem is a lot of people hate numbers. And because they hate numbers, they avoid looking at their data until the end of the month (if they look at it at all!).

But if you’re not looking at your numbers until the end of the month, how will you know if something is off course mid-month? And how will you correct it?

Jenn is a big fan of real-time data because it tells you things about your business that the casual observer might not notice. When you’re checking your data multiple times a month, you’re able to catch issues before they become major problems.

Here are some other benefits of staying on top of your data:

  • Your data provides valuable insight into your business and prevents you from making big decisions based on emotions or gut feelings.

  • It allows you to track important numbers like customer acquisition or average customer value, and helps you create a plan that keeps you on track to meet your goals.

  • Real-time data tells you if you’re on track to meet your KPIs, and helps you avoid falling short at the end of the month.

  • Data lets you know if your marketing efforts are working. If your numbers show that your latest campaign isn’t bringing in the leads you expected, you’ll know you need to make some changes to your marketing.

  • Data helps you scale by highlighting things that might not be obvious to you otherwise.

Rather than basing your plans for your business on past data, focus on accessing your data in real time and using it to guide your progress throughout the month.

For more of Jenn Gore-Cuthbert’s great advice on using your data, listen to this episode, then visit to learn more about Jenn and her law firm.


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