
Don’t Settle For Anything But The Best!
Sophie Zollmann
May 16, 2024
5 stars don't settle for anything but the best

When you’re striving to reach the 7+ figure milestone, it can be very tempting to take on any customer that walks through the door. All money is good money, right? And the more customers you have, the more quickly you’ll meet your goal.

Ummmm, think again.

Sustainable success happens when you have a strong base of GREAT customers, and not every customer that expresses interest in your business is going to be great. If you take on customers that aren’t a great fit, you’re going to be wasting time and money. Here’s why:

  • You’re Going to Butt Heads Constantly

Your ideal customers will have missions, goals, and values that align closely with yours. If you don’t share a common vision, you’ll waste entirely too much time arguing about the “right” way to do things, and that will hold both of you back.

  • You Don’t have Time to Babysit

High maintenance clients demand WAY too much of your valuable time. If you have to hold their hand and coach them through every step, you won’t have enough time for your other clients, and that definitely won’t help your business grow.

  • Your Advice is Valuable

You are an expert in your field- that’s why customers hire you. So, if they never take your advice or follow your strategies, why are you wasting your valuable time on them? Cut ties and devote those resources to clients who actually listen to your expertise!

When you work only with clients that fit in with your vision and vibe, everyone benefits. You’re building a network of raving fans that respect your advice, love what you do, and want to sing your praises to everyone they know, and that’s how sustainable success is achieved!

If you’re ready to find your ideal customers, the marketing experts at SophieZo can help! Visit  to learn how our plug and play team rockets your business to the next level of success! 


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