
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and into Your Wildest Dreams!
Sophie Zollmann
June 27, 2024

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” -Neale Donald Walsch

I’ve heard that quote a million times, but I only recently realized how true it is!

Last year, I stepped out of my comfort zone in a BIG way. I had the opportunity to participate in a book collaboration with several other female entrepreneurs and business leaders for the best-selling Women Gone Wild series.

I had never really thought of myself as an author… Sure, I had a great story, and I’m definitely not shy about telling it, but writing a book chapter was a step that was firmly outside my comfort zone. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

I gathered my courage, challenged myself, and dove headfirst into uncharted waters- and that was the best decision I ever made!! Because I took that risk and stepped out of my comfort zone, I’ve been able to do incredible things like:

  • Travel from coast to coast on a book tour with some of the most amazing, inspiring women I’ve ever met. We’ve been meeting fans, signing books, and sharing the stories of our success with women across the country, and that has been exhilarating (and a little exhausting). I might need to sleep for a week when it’s all said and done, but it’s been worth every minute!

  • Appear on the billboard in the middle of Times Square! I can’t say it’s a dream come true, because I never even dared to dream such a thing! Who would have thought that a business owner from Nashville would ever find herself larger than life on the most famous billboard in the world?? But there I was, and it was surreal, and thrilling, and a moment I will remember for the rest of my life.

  • Inspire fellow entrepreneurs. My success story isn’t exactly a fairy tale. It’s more of a “claw your way back to the top after an epic failure” comeback, but I’m so honored to get to share it with the world. I know I’m not the only one who experienced the lowest lows, and it’s such a gift to show others that it is completely possible to rebuild your business bigger and better than ever. I’m not just living my truth, I’m inspiring others to do the same, and that may be the most gratifying part of this whole adventure.

If you get the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and attempt something you’ve never done before, DO IT!! It might just lead you to the place you were meant to be all along.

If you want to check out this incredible book collaboration, you can get your copy of Women Gone Wild: Intuition at


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