
Quick Tips For Building Your
Personal Brand On Social Media
Sophie Zollmann
June 15, 2018

One of the most important things that some business owners forget about is how important it can be to establish a “personal brand” for their organization. Personal branding is a crucial element for any business with a CEO, manager, or owner that wants to establish a specific online presence for themselves, in connection with their brand.

Personal branding has become increasingly popular lately, as professional groups begin to realize that it’s often much easier to connect with people as a “person” than it is to make a connection as a business. Although personal branding won’t be the right option for every organization, we’ve put together these three quick tips for building your personal brand on social media.

1. Find What Sets You Apart

Just like a professional brand, your personal brand is distinguished by what makes you different from, and better than, your competitors. Find out what makes you special, and show it off in everything you do. For instance, if you’re different because you consider yourself to be a generous person, then make sure that you share pictures of you attending charitable events on social media, or run social media fundraisers.

2. Be Consistent

Once you’ve decided which characteristics you want your customers to identify you with, it’s important to make sure that you maintain that same image across all your social profiles. A consistent image in your profile picture, name, imagery, and use of voice will help you to avoid a disjointed online personality that leaves your followers feeling overwhelmed and confused. Remember, the fewer variations you have, the easier it is to be memorable.

3. Post Every Day

Finally, if you can’t post every day, then at least post regularly enough to make sure that you’re constantly connecting with your audience. Speak to your social media manager about what kind of schedule might work best for your business, and then make sure that you stick to that schedule no matter what.

Remember, a social media manager can help with all aspects of social media, whether you’re looking to build your professional or personal brand. Learn more about why you should hire a social media manager today.


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