
Which Platform Is
Best For Your Brand?
Sophie Zollmann
November 23, 2018

With so many social media platforms available, how do you choose the best ones for your brand? Each one has great features, but not every platform is a good fit for every product. We’ll take a look at the most popular platforms and what makes them a good fit for your brand.


All the experts agree that everyone should be on Facebook. It has millions of members, it’s easy to use, easy to customize, and it offers great analytics to track your social media marketing progress. Facebook’s targeted advertising options make it an obvious choice for any brand.

Facebook is also the most universally-used social media platform in the world, so if your target audience includes foreign markets, Facebook is a must. It’s also the fastest growing platform among seniors, so it’s a great place to connect with your over-55 customers.


Instagram also offers easy access to millions of followers. Instagram is very visual, so it works particularly well for aesthetic products, fashion, and lifestyle brands. Instagram’s audience is primarily women and millennials, and it’s a great place to introduce new products. The only drawback is that images and videos must be professional quality for a social media marketing campaign to succeed on Instagram, and that can be a challenge for up-and-coming small businesses to produce.


Twitter’s audience is fairly young, so it’s a good choice if your audience is predominately teenagers or millennials. Twitter is great for spreading information quickly, and there is potential for your tweet to go viral and introduce your brand to millions. But you’ll have to be an excellent copy editor to fit Twitter’s restrictive character limit. You only have 280 characters to get your message out there! It might be worth it though, because Twitter makes it very easy to interact with your audience.


This one might seem like a given-LinkedIn is for businesses, so everyone should be using it, right? Yes and no. LinkedIn is great for making business connections, and it’s a good idea for any professional to have a profile, but LinkedIn isn’t really the place for most promotions or marketing campaigns. The only exception is if your company offers business-to-business services or services specifically for executives and high-profile people. If that’s the case, LinkedIn is the platform for you!

We’ve covered the big ones, but what about other popular platforms like Pinterest or Snapchat? Pinterest, like Instagram, is very visual. It’s not a great place for promotions, but niche businesses like fashion and lifestyle brands can certainly increase their brand recognition and potentially gain new followers by creating Pinterest boards. As for Snapchat, experts agree that unless your target audience consists entirely of teenagers, you can probably skip it for now!

Learn more about how a social media manager can help you choose the perfect platform for your brand!


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