
Sharing Your Genius
(including my very own podcast!)
Sophie Zollmann
October 9, 2020

Today begins a new phase on the SophieZo Blog! Woot! I’m excited to announce that 11 weeks ago, I started my new journey into podcasting. It’s called Building Your Empire with SophieZo, and it’s packed with great biz tips, tricks and other fantastic information to help you focus on what you do best and what matters most in your business and your life.

Each week, my blog will feature a bit from each podcast to give you a taste of what’s there. And don’t you worry! My episodes are short, sweet and to the point, just like me.😀 Easy listening or easy reading for all!

So, let’s get to it. I’m jumping right in with my most recent podcast episode, but we have a link to catch up on all of them for you, too! Today, we’re going to talk about different ways you can scale your business by sharing your genius.

You see, sharing your experience, insights, tips and tricks can not only give you a chance to mentor up and coming business owners, but it can also help you scale your own business.

This used to be challenging to do on a large scale; now, everything you need is at your fingertips!

There are a lot of formats you can use to deliver your content, but today we’re going to focus on three main options:

  • Webinars
  • Online courses
  • Memberships

Many people find webinars to be the easiest option to start with. You can choose one topic, do one recording, and you’re done.

Today, we’ll talk about how to narrow down your topic, how to get people excited to come, and what to do afterward.

Once you’re comfortable with a webinar format, you may want to venture into creating an online course. Courses have a lot of benefits; you can make it evergreen, so it’s available all the time. They’re also a lot easier to monetize.

In this episode, we’ll discuss how to choose your topic, develop your course outline, market your course, and more. You might be surprised to find out how much of a benefit a webinar or online course can be to your business!

Come on and join me for this episode and be sure to subscribe! We have a lot of great tips, strategies, and encouragement to share, and we’d love for you to grow with us. Check out the full episode today!


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