
Sophie Zollmann
5 Ways to Make Your Team AMAZING

5 Ways to Make Your Team AMAZING

Your business is only as good as your people. Whether you hire an all-in-one team or assemble your employees one by one, you want the end result to be AMAZING! So, let’s talk about a few things you can do as your team’s leader to create an awesome company culture that...

3 Reasons to Make Time for Self-Care

3 Reasons to Make Time for Self-Care

Self-care has become kind of a buzzword lately. We hear a lot about how important it is, but we don’t always know the science behind self-care… I’m here to help! I have regular self-care rituals in place, and I cherish that time. I’ve found that when I’m diligent...

5 Reasons You Should Hire a Plug-and-Play Backend for Your Business

5 Reasons You Should Hire a Plug-and-Play Backend for Your Business

The bigger your business gets, the more time and attention it demands. As your revenue increases, so does the marketing, the sales, the day-to-day management, and a million other tasks that threaten to eat up every hour of your day. We’ve all been through busy...

Can You Rock the Mullet?

Can You Rock the Mullet?

The mullet is officially back… The “business in the front, party in the back” hairstyle might not look great on, well, anyone, but it can do wonders for your social media strategy! Curious? Good! Here are the 3 main points of the mullet social media strategy: Business...

5 Key People You Need on Your Team

5 Key People You Need on Your Team

If you’re going to reach the next level of success, you’re going to need a killer team backing you up! You rely on your team to keep projects running smoothly, grow your business, and get shit done, so you need smart, hard-working, creative experts to fill every vital...

Goal Setting that REALLY Works

Goal Setting that REALLY Works

“New year, new you!!!!” “This can be YOUR year!!” You’ve heard all the platitudes, you’ve seen the trends that come and go, and it’s really easy to get sucked into doing things just because everyone else is doing them. Sometimes it works. You get a new idea, strategy,...

It’s Time to Clean House!

It’s Time to Clean House!

Out with old and in with new! A new year often inspires people to do some serious house cleaning, and who can blame them? There’s nothing better than starting the year fresh, organized, and ready to take on anything, so in honor of 2023 we’re talking about cleaning...

The Ultimate Guide to Taking Back Your Time


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